
How Planning, Partnerships, and Philanthropic Trends Add to the Bottom Line

The Sphinx Organization's Director of Institutional Partnerships shares what has contributed to Sphinx's bottom line.

Barriers to Mission Financing: Not all nonprofit money is created equal.

NCAR worked with Propel Nonprofits on a research report on the financial profile of culturally specific organizations in the state of Minnesota, and the findings reinforced national research.

Asheville's Arts Vibrancy

The arts are known for making Asheville vibrant, but for how long? The arts council talks past, present and future.

Cultivating a Vibrant Minneapolis-Saint Paul

Laura Zabel of Springboard for the Arts in Minneapolis-Saint Paul shares her insights into the community's vibrancy and support for artists.

Celebrating The Arts Factor in Greater Boston

ArtsBoston, Greater Boston’s largest arts service organization, measures and celebrates the power of arts and culture in their community.

Government and Philanthropic Funders Benefit from New Fundraising Report

Ryan Stubbs, Research Director for the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, shares implications for both organizations and funders to be found in NCAR's new Fundraising Report

Getting Real: Expectations for Corporate Cash Contributions to the Arts

By NCAR Director Zannie Voss and Rebecca Wood

How many discussions have occurred in arts organizations’ board rooms bemoaning a lack of corporate support?  When we think about growth and sources of contributions, it is easy to imagine that a largely untapped panacea exists in the resources possessed by businesses.  If they knew us, they would love us and they would want to support the remarkable impact we have on the community, right?