Index-Specific Drivers Working Capital

Unrestricted Current Assets


% Variation Explained by Driving Force Factors from Ecosystem


% Variation Attributable to KIPIs


% Variation that is Random


Unrestricted Current Assets


Arts & Culture Organizations

Positive Effect
  • Size, sector, age
  • Fixed assets
  • Targets kids, young adults
  • Targets Asian Americans
Negative Effect
  • Local funding, state funding
  • Level of earned revenue
  • World/National premieres
  • Targets African Americans
  • Targets Hispanics/Latinos

Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics

Positive Effect
  • Number of Arts Education Organizations, Dance Organizations
  • Number of Other Museums, Orchestras
  • Number of leisure complements
Negative Effect
  • Number of artists and arts providers
  • Public radio & TV station activity
  • Number of Art Museums, Opera Companies, PACs

Community Socio-demographic Characteristics

Positive Effect
  • High percentage of Hispanic/Latino
  • Socioeconomics
  • Individual philanthropy
  • Median age
Negative Effect
  • Total population
  • High percentage of kids, young adults
  • High percentage of Asian American

Public Funding

Positive Effect
  • Number and amount of money in Federal and State Arts grants


What Drives Unrestricted Current Assets

Positive working capital results from managing unrestricted current assets that exceed the value of unrestricted current liabilities, so we look at what drives these component parts separately.  Roughly a quarter of an organization’s expected level of unrestricted current assets can be understood by recognizing norms for its sector and budget size, and the characteristics listed below related both to the organization and to its community. Most of the remaining variation in an organization’s level of unrestricted current assets is attributable to its expertise, good decision-making, reputation, etc., captured in its KIPI. 

What organizational characteristics affect this performance?

  • Total unrestricted current assets tend to be higher for organizations that target kids, young adults or Asian Americans, and with higher levels of fixed assets.  They also tend to grow larger as organizations age.
  • When organizations target kids or African Americans or Hispanics/Latinos, their unrestricted current assets tend to be lower.  Unrestricted current assets also tend to decrease when organizations have high levels of earned revenue, local funding or state funding, and when an organization’s offerings include a high proportion of world or national premieres.


How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?

  • Unrestricted current assets tend to be higher for organizations in communities with more nearby restaurants, bars, and hotels. 
  • Having more arts education organizations, dance organizations, other museums or symphony orchestras in a community tends to raise the unrestricted current asset tide for all organizations in these sectors in a market, while having more performing arts centers, art museums and opera companies tends to lower the unrestricted current assets for all organizations in these sectors.
  • More public broadcast activity in a market tends to drive down arts and cultural organizations’ unrestricted revenue, as does having more arts providers.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
  • Unrestricted current assets are higher for organizations in communities where Hispanics/Latinos make up a greater percentage of the population. This is also the case in communities where the population’s median age, overall level of philanthropy, and socioeconomic status are higher.
  • As the proportion of people aged 25 or younger in the community increases, unrestricted current assets go down. Unrestricted current assets also tend to be lower in more densely populated communities and those where with proportionally more Asian Americans.
What impact does public funding have on performance?
  • Overall state and federal grant activity in the larger local marketplace has a positive effect on an individual organization’s level of unrestricted current assets.

Unrestricted Current Liabilities


% Variation Explained by Driving Force Factors from Ecosystem



% Variation Attributable to KIPIs



% Variation that is Random


Unrestricted Current Assets

Arts & Culture Organizations

Positive Effect
  • Size, sector, age
  • Number of Members/Subscribers
  • State funding
  • Fixed assets
  • Targets kids
Negative Effect
  • Receives NEA/IMLS funds
  • Level of investment value
  • Level of unrestricted income
  • World/National premieres
  • Targets Hispanics/Latinos

Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics

Positive Effect
  • Market Arts & Culture dollar activity
  • Number of artists and arts providers
  • Number of Dance and Music Organizations
  • Number of General Performing Arts Organizations
  • Number of PACs, Orchestras
  • Number of Theatre Companies
  • Public radio, TV station activity
Negative Effect
  • Number of Opera Companies

Community Socio-demographic Characteristics

Positive Effect
  • High percentage of Asian Americans
  • Total Population
Negative Effect
  • Median age
  • Socioeconomics
  • Individual philanthropy
  • High percentage of Hispanic/Latino

Public Funding

Positive Effect
  • Number and Amount of Federal and State Arts grants


What Drives Unrestricted Current Liabilities?

Positive working capital results from managing unrestricted current assets that exceed the value of unrestricted current liabilities, so we look at what drives these component parts separately.  Only 17% of an organization’s expected level of unrestricted current liabilities can be understood by recognizing norms for its sector and budget size, and the characteristics listed below related both to the organization and to its community. Of the remaining variation in an organization’s level of unrestricted current liabilities, 38% is attributable to its expertise, good decision-making, reputation, etc., captured in its KIPI.  Nearly half is random, meaning this is an area that: 1) is relatively less influenced by the organization’s situation and environment, and 2) has attracted somewhat less attention and focus in terms of intellectual capital or expertise developed by organizations.

What organizational characteristics affect this performance?

  • Total unrestricted current liabilities tend to be higher for organizations that target children, and with higher levels of fixed assets, state funding, and subscribers/members.
  • When organizations have higher unrestricted revenue or when they have a high level of investments, unrestricted current liabilities tend to be lower.  Unrestricted current liabilities also tend to be lower when an organization’s offerings include a high proportion of world or national premieres, when they receive more federal support, or when they target kids or Hispanics/Latinos.

How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?

  • Unrestricted current liabilities tend to be higher for organizations in communities with higher levels of public broadcast activity, overall arts activity, and a larger presence of artists and arts providers. 
  • Having more PACs, orchestras, theatre or dance companies, or music, or general performing arts organizations in a community tends to raise the level of unrestricted current liabilities for all organizations in these sectors in a market.  By contrast, the more opera companies, the more likely each is to have lower unrestricted current liabilities.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
  • Unrestricted current liabilities are higher for organizations in more populous communities, and where more of the community is Asian American.
  • As the median age in the market increases, unrestricted current liabilities go down.  More philanthropy in the market drives down unrestricted current liabilities, as does a higher socioeconomic level.  Unrestricted revenue also tends to be lower in communities where with proportionally more Hispanics/Latinos.

What impact does public funding have on performance?


  • Overall state and federal grant activity in the larger local marketplace has a positive effect on an individual organization’s level of unrestricted current liabilities.

Total Expenses (Before Depr.)



% Variation Explained by Driving Force Factors from Ecosystem


% Variation Attributable to KIPIs


% Variation that is Random



Unrestricted Current Assets

Arts & Culture Organizations

Positive Effect
  • Size, sector, age
  • Number of total offerings
  • Local and state funding
  • Targets young adults
  • Targets Asian Americans
Negative Effect
  • Local premieres
  • World/national premieres
  • Targets kids
  • Targets African Americans

Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics

Positive Effect
  • Market Arts & Culture dollar activity
  • Number of Arts Education organizations
  • Number of Art Museums
Negative Effect
  • Public radio & TV station activity
  • Number of theatre companies
  • Number of community-based organizations
  • Number of Music Organizations
  • Number of dance companies, other museums

Community Socio-demographic Characteristics

Positive Effect
  • High percentage of Hispanics/Latinos
  • Individual philanthropy
  • Total population
  • Socioeconomics
Negative Effect
  • High percentage of Asian American


What Drives Total Expenses?

Roughly half of an organization’s expected level of total expenses can be understood by recognizing norms for its sector and the characteristics listed below related both to the organization and to its community. Most of the remaining variation in an organization’s level of expenses is attributable to its expertise, good decision-making, talents, reputation, etc., captured in its KIPI.  A mere 3% is random.

What organizational characteristics affect this performance?

  • Total expenses increase with organizational age, the number of programmatic offerings, and higher levels of local and state funding.  They also tend to be higher for organizations that primarily serve either young adults or Asian Americans.
  • Organizations that offer more local, national and world premieres tend to have lower expenses than their counterparts that do not.  The same is true for organizations that primarily serve children or African Americans.

How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?

  • Total expenses tend to be higher for organizations in communities with higher levels of total arts dollar activity. Having more arts education organizations and art museums in a community tends to raise the budget size for all organizations in these two sectors in the market.
  • The more theatres, dance companies, and other museums competing in a market drives down total expenses for all organizations in these sectors. In other words, more intense competition leads organizations in these sectors to have smaller budgets.  The same is true for community-based and music organizations.  By contrast, having more arts education organizations or art museums tends to lead to organizations in these sectors having higher annual budgets.
  • More public broadcast activity in a market tends to drive down arts and cultural organizations’ total expense levels.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
  • Total expenses are higher for organizations in more densely populated communities, more philanthropic communities, higher socioeconomic communities, and where the percentage of the population that is Hispanic/Latino is higher.
  • Organizations that operate in markets where a high percentage of the population is Asian American tend to have lower total expenses.
What impact does cultural policy have on performance?
  • Overall state and federal grant activity in the local marketplace had no effect on total expense levels.