What Drives Trustee Contributions?
Arts & Culture Organizations Characteristics
Positive Effect
Size, sector, square footage
Recently completed or in a capital campaign
Receives NEA/IMLS funds
Fixed assets, investment income
Higher ticket price
World premieres
Negative Effect
Organizational age
Has a parent organization
Targets young adults
Targets Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics*
Positive Effect
Number of artists and arts providers
Market A&C dollar activity
Number of community orgs, other museums
Number of orchestras
Negative Effect
Number of art museums
Number of opera companies
Number of general performing arts orgs
Public radio and TV station activity
Community Socio-demographic Characteristics
Positive Effect
High percentage young adults
High percentage of African Americans
High percentage of Hispanics/Latinos
Socioeconomic level
Total population
Median age
Negative Effect
High percentage of kids
High percentage of Asian Americans
Public Funding Characteristics
Positive Effect
Revenue and number of Federal and State Arts grants
17% of the variation in the level of unrestricted trustee contributions is explained by the factors from the A&C Ecosystem. Nearly three-quarters – 74% – is attributable to intangibles such as strong bonds between board members and staff leadership, and 9% of variation in the amount of unrestricted contributions raised is random.
What organizational characteristics affect this performance?
• Unrestricted contributions from trustees increase with sector, budget size, level of fixed assets and investment income, and having more square footage. Trustee contributions are also higher for organizations that are in the midst of a capital campaign or recently completed one, have higher ticket prices, do more world premieres, and those that are awarded NEA or IMLS grants.
• Trustee contributions tend to be lower if an organization has a parent organization, or if it targets young adults, Asian Americans, African Americans or Hispanics/Latinos. Trustee contribution levels also tend to decrease as organizational age increases.
How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?
• Unrestricted contributed revenue from trustees tends to be higher for organizations in communities with higher levels of total arts dollar activity and total number of artists and arts providers. Having more community-based organizations, “other” museums, or orchestras in a community tends to raise the tide of trustee contributions for all organizations in those sectors in the market.
• Having more organizations that compete in the art museum, opera, and general performing arts sectors drives down trustee contributions for all organizations in these sectors. This is also the case when there is more public broadcast activity.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
• Unrestricted trustee contributions revenue are higher for organizations in more densely populated communities, in communities where the socioeconomic level and median age of the population are higher, and where there is a higher percentage of the population that is 18-25 years of age, African American or Hispanic/Latino.
• Trustee contributions tend to be lower in communities with either a higher percentage of the population under 18 or Asian American.
What impact does public funding have on performance?
• Higher levels of state and federal government grant activity in the local market raise the individual unrestricted trustee contributions for organizations in that market.
What Drives Individual Contributions?
Arts & Culture Organizations Characteristics
Positive Effect
Size, sector, square footage
Recently completed or in a capital campaign
Higher ticket price
Fundraising expenses
Number of members/subscribers
Local and world premieres
Targets kids, African Americans
Negative Effect
Organizational age
Targets young adults
Targets Hispanics/Latinos
Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics*
Positive Effect
Number of artists and arts providers
Market A&C dollar activity
Leisure complements
Number of dance companies
Negative Effect
Number of competing arts orgs in every sector except dance, orchestras, community orgs
Community Socio-demographic Characteristics
Positive Effect
High percentage young adults
High percentage of Hispanics/Latinos
Socioeconomic level
Median age
Negative Effect
High percentage of kids
High percentage of Asian Americans
High percentage of African Americans
Total population
Public Funding Characteristics
Positive Effect
Revenue and number of Federal and State Arts grants
20% of the variation in the level of unrestricted individual contributions is explained by the factors from the A&C Ecosystem. Nearly three-quarters – 72% – is attributable to intangibles such as strong fundraising expertise or quality offerings that inspire support, and 8% of variation in the amount of unrestricted contributions raised is random.
What organizational characteristics affect this performance?
• Unrestricted contributions from individuals increase with sector, budget size, and square footage. Individual contributions are also higher for organizations that are in the midst of a capital campaign or recently completed one, charge higher ticket prices, have more members/subscribers, spend more on fundraising, do more local premieres, or target young kids or African Americans.
• Individual contributions tend to be lower if an organization is older, targets young adults or Hispanics/Latinos.
How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?
• Unrestricted contributed revenue from individual donors tends to be higher for organizations in communities with higher levels of total arts dollar activity, total number of artists and arts providers, and more leisure activities, which in this case act as complements. Having more dance companies in a community tends to raise the tide of individuals contributions for all dance companies in the market.
• Within all sectors except dance, orchestras, and community-based organizations, having more organizations that compete for individual contributions drives down individual contribution levels for all organizations. Individual contributions are also lower when there is more public broadcast activity.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
• Unrestricted contributed revenue from individual donors is higher for organizations in less densely populated communities, in communities where the socioeconomic level and median age of the population are higher, and where there is a higher percentage of the population that is 18-25 years of age or Hispanic/Latino.
• Individual contributions tend to be lower in communities with either a higher percentage of the population under 18, Asian American or African American.
What impact does public funding have on performance?
• Overall state and federal grant activity in the larger local marketplace has a positive impact on an individual organization’s unrestricted individual contributions.
What Drives Corporate Contributions?
Arts & Culture Organizations Characteristics
Positive Effect
Size, sector
Recently completed or in a capital campaign
Higher local funding, state funding
Receives NEA/IMLS funds
Fixed assets
Fundraising expenses
Targets kids, African Americans
Targets Hispanics/Latinos
Negative Effect
Organizational age
Targets young adults
Local premieres
Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics*
Positive Effect
Number of artists and arts providers
Leisure complements
Public radio & TV station activity
Number of Arts education orgs, art museums
Number of community orgs, other museums
Number of theatre companies
Negative Effect
Market A&C dollar activity
Number of dance, music companies
Number of orchestras, general performing arts orgs
Community Socio-demographic Characteristics
Positive Effect
High percentage of kids
Individual philanthropy
Total population
Negative Effect
High percentage of young adults
Socioeconomic level
High percentage of African Americans
High percentage of Hispanics/Latinos
High percentage of Asian Americans
10% of the variation in the level of unrestricted corporate contributions is explained by the factors from the A&C Ecosystem. Over three-quarters – 76% – is attributable to intangibles such as strong fundraising expertise or quality offerings that inspire support, and 14% of variation in the amount of unrestricted contributions raised is random.
What organizational characteristics affect this performance?
• Unrestricted contributions from corporations increase with sector, budget size and relatively higher fixed assets. Corporate contributions are also higher for organizations that are in the midst of a capital campaign or recently completed one, have higher attendance, spend more on fundraising, receive higher levels of local or state support, and those that are awarded NEA or IMLS grants. Corporate contribution levels tend to be higher for organizations that target kids, African Americans or Hispanics/Latinos.
• Corporate contributions tend to be lower as organizational age increases, if an organization offers more local premieres, or if the organization targets young adults.
How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?
• Unrestricted contributed revenue from corporations tends to be higher for organizations in communities with lower levels of total arts dollar activity, higher total number of artists and arts providers, more public broadcast activity, and more leisure activities, which in this case act as complements.
• Having more art museums, arts education organizations, community-based organizations, “other” museums or theatre companies in a community tends to raise the tide of corporate contributions for all organizations in those sectors in the market.
• Having more organizations that compete for corporate contributions in the dance, music, symphony orchestra, or general performing arts sectors drives down corporate contribution levels for all organizations in these sectors.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
• Unrestricted contributed revenue from corporations is higher for organizations in more densely populated communities, more philanthropic communities, and in communities where kids make up a higher percentage of the population.
• Corporate contributions tend to be lower in communities with either a higher percentage of the population aged 18-24, African American, Asian American or Hispanic/Latino. Higher socioeconomic level in the community tends to drive lower levels of corporate contributions.
What impact does public funding have on performance?
• Overall state and federal grant activity in the larger local marketplace has a no significant impact on an individual organization’s unrestricted corporate contributions.
What Drives Foundation Support?
Arts & Culture Organizations Characteristics
Positive Effect
Size, sector
Recently completed or in a capital campaign
Higher local funding, state funding
Receives NEA/IMLS funds
Fundraising expenses
World premiere
Targets young adults
Targets Asian Americans
Targets African Americans
Targets Hispanics/Latinos
Negative Effect
Square footage
Organizational age
Targets young adults
Local premieres
Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics*
Positive Effect
Number of artists and arts providers
Market A&C dollar activity
Leisure complements
Number of organizations competing in all sectors except opera
Community Socio-demographic Characteristics
Negative Effect
High percentage of young adults
High percentage of Asian Americans
High percentage of Hispanics/Latinos
Socioeconomic level
Public Funding Characteristics
Positive Effect
Revenue and Number of Federal & State Arts Grants
16% of the variation in the level of unrestricted foundation support is explained by the factors from the A&C Ecosystem. Well over three-quarters -80%- is attributable to intangibles such as strong fundraising expertise and quality offerings that inspire support, and 4% of variation in the amount of unrestricted contributions raised is random.
What organizational characteristics affect this performance?
• Unrestricted foundation support increases with sector and budget size. Foundation support is also higher for organizations that recently completed or are in the midst of a capital campaign, spend more on fundraising, do more world premieres, receive higher levels of local or state support, and those that are awarded NEA or IMLS grants. Foundation support levels tend to be higher for organizations that target kids, young adults, African Americans or Hispanics/Latinos.
• Foundation support tends to be lower as organizational age increases, as square footage increases, or if the organization targets Asian Americans. Doing more local premieres tends to drive down foundation support.
How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?
• Unrestricted contributed revenue from foundations tends to be higher for organizations in communities with higher levels of total arts dollar activity, total number of artists and arts providers, and more leisure activities, which in this case act as complements.
• Having more organizations that compete for foundation support in a sector drives up foundation support levels for all organizations in the sector, with the exception of opera where more competing opera companies has no effect on foundation support.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
• Unrestricted foundation support is higher for organizations in communities where the population has a higher median age.
• Foundation support tends to be lower in communities with either a higher percentage of the population 18-24 years of age, Asian American or Hispanic/Latino. Higher socioeconomic level in the community also tends to drive lower levels of foundation support.
What impact does public funding have on performance?
• Overall state and federal grant activity in the larger local marketplace tends to drive up an individual organization’s unrestricted foundation support.
What Drives Government Support?
Arts & Culture Organizations Characteristics
Positive Effect
Size, sector, age
In a capital campaign
Very low ticket price, Attendance
Fundraising expenses
Total program expenses
Targets young adults
Targets Asian Americans
Targets African Americans
Targets Hispanics/Latinos
Negative Effect
Recently completed a capital campaign
World premieres, square footage
Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics*
Positive Effect
Number of artists and arts providers
Public radio & TV station activity
Number of art museums, music orgs, PACs, orchestras
Negative Effect
Market A&C dollar activity
Number of community orgs
Number of theatre companies
Number of General Performing Arts orgs
Community Socio-demographic Characteristics
Positive Effect
High percentage of Asian Americans
High percentage of African Americans
Negative Effect
High percentage of kids, young adults
Total population
Socioeconomic level
Individual philanthropy
Median age
12% of the variation in the level of unrestricted foundation support is explained by the factors from the A&C Ecosystem. Well over three-quarters – 83% – is attributable to intangibles such as strong grant writing and quality offerings that inspire support, and 5% of variation in the amount of unrestricted contributions raised is random.
What organizational characteristics affect this performance?
• Unrestricted government support increases with sector, budget size and organizational age. Government support is also higher for organizations that are in the midst of a capital campaign, spend more on fundraising or have proportionally higher total program expenses, charge very low ticket prices, or have higher attendance levels. Government support levels tend to be higher for organizations that target young adults, Asian Americans, African Americans or Hispanics/Latinos.
• Government support tends to be lower for organizations with more square footage relative to other organizations in their sector, those that recently completed a capital campaign, or offer more world premieres.
How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?
• Unrestricted government support tends to be lower for organizations in communities with higher levels of total arts dollar activity, but higher with more artists and arts providers, and more public broadcast activity. Having more art museums, music organizations, orchestras, or PACs in a community tends to raise the tide of government support for all organizations in these sectors in the market.
• Having more organizations that compete for government support within the theatre, community, or general performing arts sectors drives down government support levels for all organizations in these sector.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
• Unrestricted government support is higher for organizations in less densely populated communities and in communities where African Americans or Asian Americans make up a higher percentage of the population.
• Government support tends to be lower in communities where kids and young adults make up a higher percentage of the population or where median age in the community is higher. In markets where there is a higher socioeconomic level and the individual philanthropy level is higher, there tends to be lower levels of government support.
What Drives Total Expenses (before depr.)?
Arts & Culture Organizations Characteristics
Positive Effect
Age, sector, size
Higher local funding, state funding
Number of offerings
Targets young adults
Targets Asian Americans
Negative Effect
Has a parent organization
Local premieres
World premieres
Targets kids, African Americans
Community Arts and Leisure Characteristics*
Positive Effect
Market A&C dollar activity
Leisure complements
Number of arts education orgs
Number of PACs, orchestras
Number of General Performing Arts orgs
Negative Effect
Number of artists and arts providers
Number of art museums, music orgs
Community Socio-demographic Characteristics
Positive Effect
Socioeconomic level
Total population
Median age
High percentage of Hispanics/Latinos
High percentage of Asian Americans
High percentage of kids, young adults
What organizational characteristics affect this performance?
• Expenses increase with sector, organizational age, higher levels of local and state funding, and more programmatic offerings. Expenses also tend to be relatively higher for organizations that young adults or Asian Americans.
• When organizations have a parent organization, target kids or African Americans, or offer a higher level of local or world premieres, expenses tend to be lower.
How do community arts and leisure characteristics affect performance?
•Expenses tend to be higher for organizations in communities with higher levels of total arts dollar activity and more leisure activities, which in this case act as complements.
•Having more organizations in the arts education, PAC, orchestra, and general performing arts sectors tends to increase budget size for all organizations in those sectors.
•Organizations tend to have lower expense levels when there is a high number of arts providers and artists in the community.
•Having more organizations that compete in the art museum and music sectors drives down expenses for all organizations in these two sectors. In other words, the competition makes it more difficult for organizations in these sectors to grow in budget size.
How do socio-demographic characteristics of the community affect performance?
•Total expenses are higher for organizations in more densely populated communities and communities with a higher median age in the population, those with a higher socioeconomic level, and where the percentage of the population that is under 25, Hispanic/Latino, or Asian American is higher.
What impact does public funding have on performance?
• Higher overall state and federal grant activity in the local marketplace has no effect on total expenses.
Read the Intro to What Drives Performance »